Looking for a New Year's challenge? Join us for Concept2's 2024 Virtual Team Challenge (VTC), which runs every year from January 1–31. Each team completes as many meters as they can collectively between 12:00 a.m. January 1 and 11:59 p.m. January 31. Procrastinators, you can join anytime up to January 16!
Here's how: Go to the Concept2 website and either sign up for a logbook or sign in, if you have already set up a logbook account. You can use any rowing machine -- it doesn't have to be a Concept2 model Once registered, you can request to join a virtual rowing team-----please select Cape Cod Rowing, and our team captain Paula Schnepp will get an email request to let you join the team. Once accepted, you can join the January Virtual Team Challenge and start logging that mileage! Check on the Team's progress here:
Happy Erging! (image courtesy Concept2)