Safety is everyone’s responsibility. All participants in Cape Cod Rowing are expected to know the general guidelines for safe rowing, as well as read and adhere to the contents of the downloadable CCR Safety Manual.
All members must attest that they can swim a distance of 100 continuous yards and can tread water for 10 minutes.
We require all members to view USRowing’s safety video.
Effective 2023, USRowing longer requires CCR adult rowing members to take SafeSport training, unless they are on the Board or are part of the coaching staff.
All members are expected to adhere to CDC and Barnstable County Covid protocols, in addition to our safety expectations.
Use the buddy system. Cape Cod Rowing strongly recommends rowing with another person. It is best to have a minimum of TWO people out at once to look out for one another.
Stay visible. You are low to the water in a very narrow boat – lights, high visibility shirts and hats are the best way to make sure others see you.
Follow the traffic pattern. This helps others anticipate where you will be. Remember, directly ahead of you is your biggest blind spot.
Watch out for others. Look out for swimmers, other boats, fishermen.
Bring a cell phone in a waterproof bag if you are in a 1x or 2x. Coxswains must have a cell phone for emergency communication in sweep boats.
Stay with the boat. If you flip, do not swim for shore. Stay with the boat and either try to get back in or push it to shallow water or call for help
We recommend that all singles scullers wear a personal flotation device or have one attached to their person while rowing.
All CCR members and visitors rowing in singles and doubles are required to sign in and sign out when they enter and leave the water in the CCR lakeside logbook.
The diagram below (oriented to the north) offers a general recommendation of preferred traffic patterns for rowers on Wequaquet Lake. Note that weather conditions, especially wind velocity and direction, will impact these patterns. We most commonly row in a north-south pattern along the western side of the lake. If the wind is out of the north, we shift to an east-west pattern along the northern side of the lake. Keep all of the safety measures listed in the CCR Safety Manual in mind when out on the lake.